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Voyagez par-delà nos Univers

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Travel beyond our Universes

La lecture est un lien entre rêve et réalité, un moyen de s'éveiller et de grandir.

Reading is a link between dream and reality, a way to awaken and grow.

The vocation of The Green Codex is to guide you into the subtle and marvellous Universes, full of life messages that will make you grow. More than stories from a fertile imagination, our books are quests for knowledge full of symbols, emotions and adventures.

Get out of your daily routine and transmute yourself!

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Video editing: Galatéa Courbet

Original music: Ariane Courbet

Find out very soon!

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Les Enseignements de Gabriel
Le Mythe de Soi

Come and discover the reasons for your existence through letters signed Ange Gabriel. This entity gives you the keys to expand your Consciousness and find within you the intention to change your life.

Become the architect of your Thought and the artist of your Life!

Only in French!

Les 9 prières de l'Âme

9 prayers, 9 states of being to perfect your Consciousness awakening process. Every day is an opportunity to experiment the substantial marrow of Life in order to understand its full essence.

What do you want to live?

Only in French!

I - Rien qu'un pion

In the city of Port-Souffrant, Emett, an assassin of the Guild of Pullers, learns some very sad news. The Guild has been given a new Master. In a short while, Emett will have a price on his head. He has only three months to steal the contract on his head or disappear with as much gold as possible. With the help of his friend Rikass, a cat-like humanoid creature, Emett will try to get out of this predicament, but they will have to be careful, because appearances are not always what they seem...

Only in French!

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Our next publication

Only in French

Patience is a virtue!


Your library will definitely want it!

PC_9 prieres de l'ame

Book trailer Les 9 prières de l'âme

Video editing: Galatéa Courbet

Original musics: Ariane Courbet et Vexento (auboutdufil.com)

9 prayers, 9 states of being to perfect your process of awakening consciousness. Each day is an opportunity to experiment with the substance of Life to understand its essence.

What do you want to live?

«Le temple de mon Être est construit à l’intérieur de Moi-même. Je le vois, je le sens et je l’Aime. J’ai choisi le mouvement car désormais, ma volonté d’être qui je suis est plus forte que celle d’essayer de l’être.»

Enjoy your reading!

New !

Available now!

Only in French

Your library will definitely want it!

Le Grand Oeuvre - Le voyage alchimique_illustration bande annonce vidéo du livre (book trailer)

Book trailer Le Grand Œuvre

Video editing: Galatéa Courbet

Original music: Ariane Courbet

Le Grand Œuvre, Le Voyage Alchimique, is an initiatory and spiritual quest that twins, Adam and Galahad Magritte, will undertake within an intermediate dimension. There, they will be accompanied by Guides, ghosts and other legendary characters in order to go through the 3 alchemical works and defeat frightening and destructive masses.

Don’t hesitate to let yourself be lulled by the atmosphere of Alchemy by reading our newsletter articles. Information on Le Grand Œuvre, Le Voyage Alchimique will be revealed to you little by little.

Enjoy your reading !

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