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About The Green Codex:

The Green Codex is a company that was founded in 2022 by Galatéa Courbet after obtaining her doctorate in plant biology, in order to distribute products of intellectual, spiritual, or fantastic value, particularly in the form of books. According to Galatéa “Knowledge is a Universe that must be accessible to all”. We do not claim to have all the answers, but rather our goal is to light your way, to allow you to explore multiple paradigms of your Being. In the long run, we hope to provide you with new tools, such as quality training courses based on the teachings of our various books, which will help you to penetrate your own mystery.

Our authors will always have a message for you. Thus, The Green Codex bridges the gap between science, fantasy and spirituality, following the principle so brilliantly stated by Rabelais in the 16th century: “Science without Conscience is but the ruin of the Soul”.

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We know about science, but what about Consciousness? For us, it has taken shape in two words: Green and Codex. Green in honour of Nature, which manifests universal alchemy, the emerald giving access to the knowledge of hidden things, and the Codex, which gathers all knowledge, hidden or not. Nature unites our hearts to cultivate the tree of life planted in the Codex. The Green Codex presents the tree of life rooted in knowledge.

Discover with The Green Codex how your Thoughts can be put to work for your Life ? How to walk the royal road and discover your philosopher’s stone? Symbols, spirituality and science are at your disposal to transform your matter into Light.

Live this adventure with us!

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